Thursday, April 16, 2009

Papa John comes to town!

I'm embarassed to say that it's been about a month ago when my dad came to visit, and I'm just now posting the pics, but at least I'm posting...right?! :)
My dad had some business in Boise and came down to Wendell to visit us...well mostly to see Gabi- we know the truth, it's okay. Needless to say it was A LOT of fun. I love when family comes to visit, and it was an extra special treat because my dad lives in New York, and we don't get to see him often. When he does come, we enjoy every moment of it!
We hung out, talked until it was really late, and Gabi had a TON of fun playing with Papa John! That's what she calls her Grandpa John. :) We were so glad he was able to come and visit!
As you can see Gabi loves cell phones, this was her first encounter with being able to actually touch a cell phone- we usually don't let her get her little fingers on ours.

We're going private...again!

Okay, so we went private with our blog almost a month ago, but it has recently come to our attention that there are several people who want to view our blog, and who we want to view our blog, but we don't have their email addresses to invite them. So, we are un-privating our blog for two weeks starting today. Post a comment on this post with your email address and who you are, and we would love to add you to our list! If you don't want to leave your email address, you can email me at or you can facebook me or Isaac and let us know you want to be added! Also, if you know of anyone who wants to view our blog, let them know that they can send their email address. Sorry again for those of you who have been trying to view our blog and haven't been able to. Thanks!