Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Can't sleep, so I'm blogging

What do you do when you can't sleep, the babe in your belly is doing somersaults, and stress is an all consuming factor in your life, why you blog of course! I lay ed in be for about an hour before I decided I wasn't going to be getting back to sleep anytime soon. So here I am blogging and eating a PB sandwich, trying to de-stress. :)
Life has been pretty good lately around the Knight house. The sunshine has decided to show it's beautiful face more constantly, allowing us the pleasure of spending more time outdoors. We have been doing more yard work preparing our garden for planting. When I say we, Isaac does most of the work while I watch and Gabi roams the yard. Gabi, by the way is VERY much so an outdoorsy little girl. She will do just about ANYTHING to go outside. Sometimes, when it's too cold, or raining, or for whatever reason that we absolutely can't go outside she will sit by the sliding glass door and just look outside, pointing out any "meow meows" or "woof woofs" she may see. I must also say that right now for Gabi, animals don't make a sound other than "meow" or "woof." Needless to say, she loves the outdoors. Last Saturday while Isaac was outside doing yard work, Gabi sat faithfully by the sliding glass door for at least an hour watching him, begging him to let her go outside. She's such a cutie, and we love her so much!
Isaac has been working a different shift lately, due to training. In some ways it has been really nice, in others, a definite adjustment. The blessing of it is that he doesn't have to work every Sunday, and he only works about 8 hours a day Mon- Fri. The hard part is that the hours are 12pm -9pm, so when he gets home, we all just want to go to bed. I can't complain too much, however, because I LOVE the fact that, at least for the next few weeks, he is home every Sunday. It makes a world of difference.
As far as being pregnant...I am 28 weeks along this week. Nothing much to report besides the growing belly. It's interesting how different this pregnancy has been compared to the last one. I was super sick almost the entire 9 months with Gabi, and this time I was even more sick the first three months, but since then I haven't been too bad. I'll have an occasional rough day, but that's to be expected. My only complaint is that my back hurts ALL THE TIME! Not a fan, but that's okay. It could be worse.
Back to Gabi, she's 16 months old, and into EVERYTHING! There is no dramatization there, she really is. I can't even be away from her for 5 minutes and she's into something that I told her not to get into 5 min before. She is smart beyond belief! She already knows I'm gullible and will constantly point in a direction and say "What's that?" only for me to turn and look while she does something, either escaping me when I'm trying to change her diaper, or grab something she's not supposed to have (her favorite is my cell phone.) The sad part about it is that I fall for it ALL the time! You'd think I'd learn! She talks constantly, some of it is totally understandable, and the then there's the baby talk that only she understands. It's fun to play along with her when she's talking to us, she can get so serious about what she's talking about, I can't help but laugh. She is excited about the babe that's on her way. I don't know how much she understands, but she is always coming up to me and patting my belly, kissing it, and saying, "baby, awww." It's the cutest thing ever, and we really need to get it on video. We love Gabi so much, she has brought us so much joy, it's hard to explain.
Anyway, those are the thoughts on my brain right now. I wish that I could say that I am ready to go back to sleep and blogging has cured my sleeplessness, but, nope. Hope you all have a great and wonderful day!