Thursday, February 25, 2010

Little Gianni

Here are a few pictures of Gabi and Gianni. More to come soon, since we will be seeing the little babe again in about a week. This is from when Gabi and I went up to Boise to visit and try and help :) Gianni is about a week old in these pictures.
Gabi is showing off her new carseat, which is LOVES that it faces forward.
Gianni is such a cutie! We miss him and can't wait to see him and give him hugs and kisses.

Gabi girl is growing up!

As I recently promised and repromised some of you, here are some current pictures of our little Gabi girl. We love her so much, and I can't believe how big she has gotten! I've been looking back on her newborn pictures and still can't believe how big she has gotten. Our little baby really is turning into a little girl more and more every day. Here are a few updates on our little tyke:
1. She now has 6 teeth and shows them off proudly
2. She loves saying "Hi" to her sister and lovingly will pat my belly and kiss it while saying "baby"
3. She LOVES being outdoors
4. She loves EVERY animal, and isn't the least bit scared of them, no matter how big they are
5. She waves every time she hears a car drive by saying "bye bye!"
6. She has an AMAZING vocabulary including; mama, dada, baby, please, thank you, more, granpa, bye bye, kitty, meow, woof, moo, my favorite' "don't touch that!" gabi, yes, no, mmhmm, stop, movie, Emma (her cousin) and many others I can't even think of all of them
7. She loves to play with her cousins and thinks they are the coolest
8. Here baby cousins she loves to give lots of kisses to
9. She knows where her belly button is, and thinks it's so cool
10. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes is one of her most FAVORITE songs.
She is growing so fast and learning more and more everyday. It's amazing to see her little personality shine through in all she does.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Yeah for sunshine! Today was such a BEAUTIFUL day! I woke up to sunshine, birds chirping, and a smile on my face. I love the sunshine. I opened up the blinds in EVERY single room and basked in the sunshine. That's all I wanted to say. Thank goodness spring is on the way, and hopefully it will warm up quickly.

Gianni Boy!!

I know this is coming late, but I wanted to make sure that we announced the birth of our cute little nephew, Gianni. (Pronounced like Johnny)

Meet Gianni Marc Sanelli. Born Wednesday January 13th, 2010 at 10:51 p.m.
7 lbs, 1 oz and 20 inches long.

Barbies and Girls

My sister recently gave us a LOT of barbies that she had growing and didn't want anymore. Gabi has since discovered them, and she is seldom seen around without at least one in her hand, if not one in each hand. They fascinate her and she just seems to think they are the neatest thing.
I have to admit I was NOT like that growing up. I didn't play with barbies, I collected them. I didn't play "let's pretend," I groomed my barbies and displayed them. Or better yet, I never even took them out of the box. My sister on the other hand had an imagination like you couldn't believe. Her room wasn't just a room, it was a tropical jungle, a mall, or somewhere on the other side of the world. She has always been the one with creativity and imagination.
Well, as the mother of one girl who apparently LOVES barbies, which I never loved, and ANOTHER GIRL ON THE WAY. I am now faced, or should we say forced to accept barbies and play with my daughter(s).
So, yes, we are expecting baby number two! She is due to arrive June 14th, and we are very excited. Right now Gabi doesn't really know what to think about it, and/or understand what's going on, but in time I'm sure she will love to have a little friend to play with.