Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Green Beans are Gross!!

Well, at least they are to Madi, in fact she doesn't like peas either. We tried really hard the other day to get her to eat some. She loves carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash, but when it comes to the green veggies, she'd rather pass. She's so stinkin cute, even when she hates her veggies :)
Before we started with the GB's

First Bite... remorse over first bite...
second bite wasn't any better...
and the refusal...

She's so cute, she makes me laugh so hard. She was practically gagging, thus the reason we stopped. I tried telling her that it was good for her...she didn't believe me, apparently. :) I was even nice and tried to mix some yummy bananas in there...I guess it just made it worse!


The Knights

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And we're back!

So, it's been awhile. It kind of goes without saying, but I'm very sorry to all of our wonderful family and friends that live far away and are wondering what in the world we are up to.

Well...we are doing pretty good. Definitely looking forward to spring and sunshine, but all is well. Madi is doing really well and hasn't had any problems related to the Chylothorax so far, so we are very optimistic that the problem has been resolved. She is the best baby EVER! She rarely cries unless she's really hungry or really tired, which doesn't happen often because she is on a pretty set schedule. She sleeps 10-12hrs a night and smiles and smiles and smiles and smiles! We love her so much!

Gabi is 2 going on 20 with an attitude to boot! She talks a mile a minute, some makes sense, and some doesn't, but usually it makes sense. The other night it was bedtime and I told her, "Gabi, it's time to go night night!." She briefly looks up at me and then continues playing with her barbie (she refers to all barbies as "friend," it's cute) and said, "No, I busy." I couldn't stop laughing. I still laugh when I think about it! She sure keeps us on our toes! Talking about toes, for those who are aware with her obsession with lint free toes, she's still at it in full force and checks her toes at least 3 times a day. I don't know why I put socks on her! She also loves to check Madi's toes out whenever she gets the chance, much to Madi's chagrin.

Isaac is doing well, and is really busy, but that's okay. We make sure we get plenty of family time with Family Home Evening and Saturdays.

All in all we're doing great. I promise I am going to try really really hard to be better about blogging.

Love ya guys!

Here's a few photos, most were taken today :)

The Knights