Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer fun

It's been forever since the last blog, I know. This is what happened- It was finals, and I swore off blogging, facebook, and all other forms of electronic communication for the week. Well, then I had a week off, and my new class started. In addition to that the sun came out and we got a stroller. So, to update everyone on a few things going on in our lives for now, and then more later.
1) Gabi can sit up on her own and loves it! She's actually been doing in since April, sorry!
2) Gabi can also drink out of a cup, also something she's been doing for awhile. She started when she was three months, and she's now REALLY good at it! She doesn't like bottles or binkies!
3) There is WAY too much rain this summer- I feel like I'm back in Washington!
4) I have two callings in our ward- I help out with Activity Days, and I'm a teacher in primary- both of which I LOVE!
5) Isaac was called into the Elder's quorum presidency in our ward, and he's really enjoying it as well
6) Gabi loves her walks, and so do I!
7) Gabi is a HUGE fan of baths and LOVES to splash!
8)My mom is a saint and is here visiting and helping us out
9)Isaac's parents were here this weekend to visit and help out
10) And last but not least we are about to close ON OUR FIRST HOUSE!! YAY! Also one of the reason's why our families are so wonderful and came to help us paint, clean, and a bunch of other things!!!

We are super excited about all the aforementioned occurences, and we are really excited to buy our first house!! There's a lot that goes into it, but it's also really exciting!!
I will try and be better about posting, especially pictures, until then...