Monday, June 7, 2010

Baby Update

I woke up this morning with contractions every 5-7 minutes, painful ones. Today was the day, I knew it. The contractions started hitting hard at about 3am, and I finally got up at 7am and hopped in the shower, hoping it would take some of the pain away from the contractions. It worked a little. I packed my bag and we headed off to the doctors, I had an appointment today anyway, so it worked out well. I was still having hard contractions, but probably every ten minutes at that point. We then waited and HOUR for the doctor, he just happened to be on call today. Then...we found out I was dilated to a 3. That's it. Most of the doctors in this office don't believe in inducing unless absolutely necessary. So I'm still bearing a big belly, having wonderful contractions, and wishing I was done being prego. Oh well, everything happens for a reason, I've waited this long, I can wait a few more days. Just thought I would keep you all updated.


Kari Cheney said...

Keitra, Im so excited for you!! Soon you'll be the mommy of two!! Your kids are 19 months apart exactly like mine- let me just say....good luck!! Wish we lived closer so we could have play dates!! i miss you!
Good luck with everything, hope labor goes smoothly. Can't wait to see pics of the new babe!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping me, well us, updated!! It sounds like everything is moving along as it should. Good luck with the delivery. I hope all goes well! Can't wait to see pics of the new little one.