Thursday, October 14, 2010

Four Months and an Update

Madi is four months old today! It's hard to believe how fast time has gone. I feel like it was just last week that I was waddling around with a big 'ol belly- so grateful to be done with that! Madi is doing really well. She is gaining weight like a normal babe, and is full of smiles for anyone. We love both our girls so much! Gabi is 23 months, and will turn two in just three weeks! Time sure does fly!
The Girls watching a movie together (Probably Nemo)
This only lasted a few minutes :) Note Gabi holding Madi's hand so she won't touch the "butt"ons
Gabi trying out her winter coat for the first time

Our smiley girls!

Gabi playing with a big puzzle

Getting ready for church
Gabi sure loves her little "Mami"

Little Madi

Self-taken family pic, this was the best one...haha

Madi with her new toy (thanks Heidi!)
Gabi sharing, or stealing- sometimes it's a fine line for her :)
Some videos for your enjoyment.

As for an update, we go into the doctor's next week for another chest x-ray of the Madster to see how she's doing. If her lungs look clear, she can start having breastmilk once a day. Depending on how she tolerates it, she may be able to make the transition completly off of the special formula within a month. Here's for hoping!

Thanks again for all of your contintued love and support, we appreciate it so much!


Kari Cheney said...

Keitra, your girls are so beautiful!!

thanks for sharing that blog about sweet Preslee, it made me really appreciate my little ones!!

The Trees said...

Goodness your girls have grown! They are both so pretty. We miss you all and thanks for the pictures and videos. Our girls thought they were hilarious and wanted to watch them over and over.