Wednesday, January 12, 2011

6 months and 2 years

Even though Gabi just turned 2, Madi is still 6 months, we just barely got them into their respective Well-Child Checks. November and December were busy!! So, both girls are doing really good.
Madi- She is in the 50th percentile for height and 75th for weight... the weight is actually off because she weighed in at 13.6lbs, but the nurse charted her at 16.6lbs. So, she's probably in the 25th percentile for weight as well, and yes, we are switching doctors. Madi is a real chatter, and LOVES to laugh and play with Gabi. She is sitting up really well on her own, has down amazingly well with her new "regular" formula (wahoo!!), and she still has the sweet happy disposition we have all fallen in love with.
Gabi FINALLY made it above the 5th percentile and is now in the 10th percentile for weight and the 25th percentile for height, what can I say, we just have small girls. (but big babies?? how does that work?) Gabi is also a chatter box, but we already knew that! She speaks in complete, understandable sentences and is a big help to her mama doing dishes, laundry, sweeping, you name it, she's my little shadow.
We love our girls and we love to see them play together. They have so much fun, and rarely get mad at each other. They laugh SO MUCH!!
We hope all of you are doing well, and that this new year brings you much happiness and joy!
The Knights


The Trees said...

Sweet girls. Wow, they are so little. Glad to hear they are doing so well. I wish I knew how to help with your computer problems. I'm pretty illiterate in that catagory. Heath is my go to guy, so maybe he'd know something. We love and miss you guys!
Lots of hugs and kisses to your girlies.

The Trees said...

Hey Keitra (and Isaac too if you're reading ;))
Heath found this link that might be able to help with your technical problems. Sorry we didn't get back to you sooner. We have an investment here seeing as we don't get to see your sweet babies. We miss you guys so much and wish we could watch them grow. I guess this will have to be the next best thing.

Love you!