Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Perfect Day- at least it was supposed to be

We have been looking forward to today all week long! This morning we had a Glanbia Christmas Celebration for the family- they rent out the theatre and we get to go as family and enjoy a family appropriate movie (This year was Puss in Boots) complete with popcorn and a drink compliments of Glanbia. After the movie Santa comes and the kids can sit on his lap if they want and take pictures and then each child gets a gift. Later we planned to go out to lunch and enjoy family time, come home and finish putting up decorations and then go with our friends to see some awesome lights.
We were soooo excited!! Unfortunately, as it usually seems to happen, none of that happened. We made it to the movie theatre and were about 15 minutes into the movie (mind you this is about 9:15am) and Madi starts losing her breakfast all over me, Isaac, and the seat in front of us. Interestingly enough my purse caught most of it...inside. I guess I know what I want for Christmas- ew! So we rushed out, and got Madi all cleaned up, poor thing!  :( She wasn't looking so great, so much to our chagrin we left the theatre in search of a new outfit for little Madi since where we were was 30min from home and we felt like that would be undue punishment to ride home stinky. So we zipped over to Fredmeyer's and grabbed a new outfit for Madi and a new shirt for Daddy. We had a few errands we needed to run, so after Madi had a few crackers and a sip of water, she was out and we tagged teamed getting our errands done. Not quite the afternoon we had planned.
When we got home not a one of us were in the decorating mood, so we all took a nap. We were hoping that Madi would be feeling better so that we could at least go see the lights. But alas, after a 2 1/2hr nap, she woke up really pale and had a fever. So, sadly, we had to forgo the lights and seeing our friends, our last hope of reviving our wonderfully planned Saturday.
Instead we went for a short car ride to see some of the lights around the neighborhood and came home and let the girls open one of their Christmas presents early- Rio (sorry Brit!)
So I guess no matter how well we plan, sometimes it just doesn't work out and you just have to roll with the punches. Even thought not a single thing went as planned, we were able to spend the entire day together as a family, and that was wonderful.

Watching Rio, highlight of their day!

Gabi saying "cheese" and super excited to watch Rio


The Trees said...

Man, I'm sorry. That sounded rough. Hope Madi is feeling better. How great that you could see the silver lining in a day like that.
Love and hugs you to you all!

Heather said...

i can't believe how quickly your girls are growing up. time just flies, doesn't it!?!?!? they are super cute! and you look great too!