Friday, December 16, 2011

Such a cutie!

As I mentioned earlier I missed a lot of key events due lack of blogging this summer. One important event that I want to make sure I write about is my cute new niece Lilly! Ryan and Jennie had their second girl in August, and boy is she a cutie!! We were super lucky and happened to be in Utah when she was born, so we got to see her when she was barely over a day old. Such a sweetie, I LOVE her cheeks!

Emma is an adorable older sister, always making sure that her little sis is okay.
Emma just turned 2, Happy Birthday Emma!!
(all pics stolen from Ryan and Jennie's blog :))

We are so grateful for wonderful family, Gabi and Madi just love their cousins!

1 comment:

Ryan & Jennie said...

Thanks, Keitra. We were so glad you were in Utah and able to stop here.