Friday, January 20, 2012

A bunch of Pictures

Since I've been so bad about blogging, here are a bunch of pictures to satisfy :) Updates I forgot in the previous post: the girls both had well-child checks a few weeks ago, and my how they've grown! Madi is overall in the 60th percentile, and only 4 inches shorter than Gabi! Gabi is overall in the 40th percentile, HUGE improvement from last year where she was only in the 5th percentile. Madi is super ahead of her age as far as development, and according to the assessment we took she is doing everything that a 24month old should be doing. She talks phenomenally well, in complete sentences and often people think that the girls are twins. She catches on to things immediately, almost too quick for this mama. Can we say, please don't grow up too fast!! Gabi is also ahead of her age developmentally and is doing awesome. She has an amazing memory, and actually might have a photographic memory. She only has to see things one time, and she already has in. In fact she can recite books to us from memory after reading only a few times. Sure makes story time easy! :) We love our girls and can't believe how fast they are growing up!!
Now some pics like promised!

Our first real snow day was this week, we ended up with a total of 6 inches in one day!
The girls when they first came out
 Helping pack the snow on our snowman
 Madi trying to wade through the snow& the girls in front of our snowmen
 A picture of the girls :) Daddy was at work

The girls love love LOVE to color and do it everyday

 I drew the "diamond" and Gabi drew the circle, she was so proud :)
We've been practicing our shapes lately ;)

The only picture I got of New Years Eve, sad!

Playing outside after a walk

 Lots of Love,
The Knights

1 comment:

jkwareham said...

I love the girls matching coats! They are so beautiful! I am so excited for you guys and your new little girl. Keep us posted! And stay warm!!!