Monday, January 23, 2012

Introducing... Brynlee Knight!


We are so excited to announce the birth of our third daughter, Brynlee Knight.
She was born January 22nd, 2012 at 10:52am in Twin Falls, ID.
She weighed 8lbs 0oz and was 21inches long.
She has dark brown hair, smiles and looks a lot like her sister, Madi, when she was born.
We are so excited to have her here and look forward to what the future holds in our growing family.
Thank you for all of the love, support and prayers, we couldn't have done it without you!

(More to come on the actual story :))


Ryan & Jennie said...

She is so precious. Congratulations, we unopened the transition goes well.

Kunz Family said...

We are so excited for you guys! She is a cutie! Can't wait to meet her!

The Trees said...

How exciting! She is so beautiful and alert. Wished I could fly on over and cuddle her! Congratulations!!!

Kathy said...

Congratulation, another beautiful little girl.
I can hardly wait for you to get home with your little Brynlee. So I can get to hold and kiss her.
The girls are excited to get all of you home.Love You ALL.

Becky said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful! What a cute name. Hope all goes well with three! You look fantastic!

Ryan & Jennie said...

Okay, I had to tell you every time I show Emma pictures of Brynlee she says, "Ahhh, my tute baby tousin." Then she points out everyone else in your family. Love you guys.

Kara said...

Congrats ! She is adorable!!!!

Jeff & Jacki Sharp said...

Congrats you cute little Mom! Three fun girls. Hope "three" is going well! Love ya!