Thursday, December 1, 2011

4th Anniversary

November 17th we celebrated our fourth anniversary being married. In some ways time has gone by super fast- it seems like we were just newly weds finishing up college, scraping to get by, and living on dreams of the future. Some of that may still hold true, but it's amazing to compare where we are now to where we were four years ago. I heard a million times when we first were married, and madly in love, that we would continually look back on when we were first married and be amazed at how much our love had grown. I felt like I was bursting at the seams with love and didn't think it quite possible for the love to grow, and yet it has. We have two beautiful little girls and another on the way and a marriage I really only dreamed would be this wonderful. Life isn't perfect, not for a single one of us, but I like to think that for Isaac and I, "it's our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another." So here is to another wonderful year, and to eternity. I love you Isaac!


jkwareham said...

I remember your first Anniversary! How fast time has flown. Congrats on your newest addition!


Kara said...

Congrats dear friend!
