Thursday, March 15, 2012

Brynlee's Debut Part II

Where was we got to the hospital. Since it was early in the morning we had to go through the ER entrance. They didn't really believe I was in labor...shouldn't do that to a woman in labor! I assured them that I was and they called the Dr and sent a nurse down to get me. We headed on up and they weighed me and had me get settled in and then sent me walking while they were waiting for the Dr to come. The contractions started coming really hard then and we could barely walk around. After doing about 4 or 5 laps, they nurse said the Dr was ready to check me. I was at a 4, so he decided to keep me and see how fast I progressed. Isaac slept while I paced the room and bounced on a birthing ball. I was exhausted! I decided to try and go all natural with this babe. The nice thing about not having and epidural is I was able to get up and walk around, which seemed to hurt less when I had contractions. The birthing ball was a big help to. I actually dilated pretty quickly, faster than I have with either of the other two. So the decision to go all natural was not steadfast. If I got to a point where I didn't think I could do it, then I was open to and epidural. I dilated super fast and the next thing I knew was that they were calling the Dr because I was already to a 9. Since my babes come fast, they were worried that the doc wouldn't be there in time. They kept telling me, "If you have the urge to push DON'T!" Well, I didn't, so that wasn't a problem. The doctor got there around 9:30 and checked to see where I was at, still a 9. They had me start pushing. That hurt, a lot. I pushed and pushed for forever when after about an hour the Dr said' "Well, you're still at a 9. I thought pushing would flip this baby since she's POSTERIOR!!" So, seriously, for the last hour I wasn't pushing to deliver my little bundle of joy, I was pushing to FLIP HER! No fair! I was already exhausted. I hadn't slept in over 24hrs, and I had been giving every ounce of energy to FLIP HER! Even though that was super horrible, I had actually been coping with the pain pretty well on my own (a lot better than I thought I would!) so I decided to keep going, not like I could have had an epidural at that point anyway. They had me flip over on my hands and knees in hopes that would flip the baby. I had to stay in that position for 45min! By then the contractions were pretty intense. It was all I could do not to cry. I was so weak from lack of sleep and pushing that I could barely hold myself up. They went and got the Dr and let me flip back over. I was seriously so tired that I fell asleep between every contraction. The doc came back in and said it was time to start pushing. This time to hopefully have the baby! The contractions were incredibly painful at that point. I seriously was in tears. Because she was still posterior pushing was super painful. I pushed for a long time. I don't even know how long, but I'm sure it felt longer because of how painful it was. When she finally flipped she came out super fast- well except for the fact that the Dr wanted her to come out slow so I had to push, stop, push, 10 times. I think that was the worst part! (Sorry if that's TMI for some of you :) ) Having a babe all natural was seriously bar none the most painful thing EVER! That being said, I recovered so much faster than I did with the other two. I was up and walking within half and hour and actually walked to the recovery room. I felt a lot better after and wasn't in as much pain. Mostly I think that's due to the fact that I didn't tear at all this time. Thank goodness!
When Brynlee came out Isaac and I were both like, "Oh my goodness! She looks just like Madi!!" She really did look just like Madi did when she was born. It was kind of crazy. We joke about how we were probably supposed to have twins when Madi was born but Heavenly Father knew this mama couldn't handle it, so Brynlee had to come a little later.
I don't think I will ever forget the first time I got to hold Brynlee. Isaac brought her to me and she settled right down. I spoke and she looked right at me, and then Isaac spoke and she looked right at him. At that moment everything felt so complete. I gave her a little Eskimo kiss and she just looked at me. sweet little baby was finally here!
We love this little girl so much!!
(sorry, these are a little out of order)

Our little Sweet Pea :)

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