Thursday, March 15, 2012

Brynlee's Debut

Finally...a post about the day Brynlee made her debut.
Okay, so for a little background info...Gabi and Madi are exactly 19 months and 1 week apart, Madi and Brynlee are exactly 19 months 1 week and 1 day apart. Not planned. At all. (the fact that they are almost the exact distance apart) What was completely planned was having little Brynlee. When Madi was four months old I felt very strongly that we were supposed to have another baby. You can imagine my reaction to this feeling. Nope. Madi was only four months old and only two months earlier we almost lost her. Nope. This mama couldn't deal with any more anything any time soon. But the feeling persisted for several months. We finally decided, when Madi was 10 months that we would go ahead and start trying since we knew another little babe was waiting to come. We didn't think much of it until...oh about a month later when we discovered I was preggo. So, there you go. Some think I'm super crazy, and sometimes I feel super crazy, but those little babes are so sweet and precious.
Alright, now for the much awaited story....
It all started- quite literally- the Friday before, the 20th of January. The 'ol doc stripped my membranes and told me I may or may not go into labor that weekend- I wasn't due until the 29th. The baby dropped alot that day and I was super uncomfortable, contractions were coming more often, but not at all regular. We decided to call my mom and see when she could come down from Boise to watch our other girls in case I went into labor. She was able to come down Saturday afternoon, and since I hadn't gone into labor yet Isaac and I decided to go walking. So we packed up the car "just in case" and headed to Twin Falls, where the hospital was located and also the mall. So we went walking in the mall (and shopping  :) ) for a very long time. By long time I mean probably a total of 3hrs. We stopped two times- once to eat and once to kick up our feet for a bit. Nothing. Bummer. So after getting our grocery shopping done, we headed home- about 20min away on the freeway. On the way home I started having contractions about 2min apart. Oops! They had told us to be careful with this being our third because the 3rd baby tends to come faster. Well, we got home unloaded the groceries and kept timing the contractions. For an hour the contractions were still 5min or less apart. So, we called the Dr and they said to come in. At about 2:22ish we entered the hospital...more to come tomorrow...

A picture of us on one of our breaks

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