Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Mothers in My Life

Last night after my girls went to bed and I was picking up toys I started to think about mothers. I was thinking about my own mother, my sweet mother-in-law, and others who have played a motherly role in my life. Examples of mothers have in some way shape or form helped to mold me into the mother I am today. As my sister-in-law recently said to me, "Kids don't come with instruction books!" I have thought about how we are supposed to learn how to be mothers. It isn't easy, and being a mother is definitely a work in progress kind of a thing, but having great examples have always helped.

My own mother has always loved being around small children. She thrives off of their energy, creativity and love for life, which has really made her into a wonderful teacher. She has touched the lives of many children and continues to do so. She has taught me that all things in life are learning experiences. That I should let my kids be kids and get messy, play in the dirt, and with worms. She has taught me through example that you need to jump in and play with your kids sometimes, not just send them off to play. Thank you for the life lessons!

My mother-in-law, Teren, is such a sweet and wonderful lady. I remember the first time I met her- I was so nervous to meet Isaac's parents. She put me right at ease and treated me like a daughter. I am so grateful for her kindness and her example. Whenever I think about how crazy my life feels like right now, I often think of Teren, remembering that she had seven kids, seven wonderful kids. Among many things I have learned patience from Teren. She thinks before she acts, and lets her children do the same.

Last, but not least is Sharon. Sharon, for those of you who don't know her, is not only my mom's best friend, but my second mom. She has always been there for all of  us kids whether it be sports, concerts, beauty pageants, weddings, the list could go on forever. I remember in High School we lived across the street from Al and Sharon. I think I went over to their house every single day after she got home from work. While she cooked dinner we would chat about life, school, boys, whatever. I should say, I probably did most of the talking. :) One of the things that I love most about Sharon is that you can talk to her about anything, and no matter your opinion, you never ever feel judged or wrong, and you walk away feeling more confident about yourself. For a teenager, that's huge and rare. She has taught me the importance of listening. I hope that I am able to be like that with my children, I hope that they can come and talk to me and not feel wrong or judged.

Thank you to all of the Mothers out there, what you do does make a difference. Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hi Keitra,
Thank you so much for the sweet words...they brought tears to my eyes. I feel so blessed to have been part of your life for so many years. I loved having you live across the street from me. I could hardly wait to see you and Britnae when I got home from work. You are wonderful!! Love you so much!