Sunday, March 11, 2012

Alive and Well

It was not my intention to neglect our blog, but alas, life has a way of speeding right by when you least expect it. I am still going to post about Brynlee's Debut and what we have been up to since her arrival loaded with pictures, of course, however today I'm just going to give a general update.
So three kids... whole new ballgame, entirely. I've had a lot of people tell me that adding the third couldn't be easier of an adjustment, while others have told me that the third is the hardest, and after that it gets easier.I have to admit, three kids has been incredibly hard for me. Adding the second was a breeze. Madi was so easy going and was sleeping 8hrs a night at 6 weeks old. Brynlee (at 7 weeks)sleeps 4, on a good night- and that is after 3hrs of holding her and rocking her and trying to get her not to cry. non. stop. I've discovered that with three kids you really need and extra arm...or two. Maybe it's because my kids are close in age, or that they are all girls, or that Brynlee is super colicky and has reflux really bad. Maybe a combination of a lot of things, but boy, I'm really learning the meaning of the word patience.
All that being said, we all love our sweet little Brynlee to pieces. Gabi seems to be her favorite. Her eyes light up and she smiles any time she hears Gabi's voice. Gabi is really good with her too, especially good at calming her down. I love how she says, "It's all right sweetie, mama will be right back. Don't you worry honey, you're okay." She's such a little mama and loves being a big sister. Madi loves her too, but is less patient with her crying. She's always willing to "help" especially with bath time. Brynlee loves to smile and favorite! She's really starting to chat more, and chats a lot with Gabi. Brynlee loves to lay on her blanket on the floor and look around and "talk"- although she is very social and has to have someone by her all the time.
Life has been crazy busy lately, but we wouldn't change it for the world. We love our little girls and their different personalities. Thank you all for your love and support!

Brynlee at 2 weeks, 5 days


The Trees said...

Yes, I've heard that too about having your third. And maybe it all depends, on your kids, and circumstances at the moment and alot of things. This should be an interesting adjustment for us as well. I'm expecting it to be a little of everything I guess, wonderful and hard and who knows. Having a cholic is hard work though, my heart goes out to you and little Brinlee. Saydee was the same way. She sure is a beauty though and I'm glad your girls are loving her :) Love and miss you tons!

The Knights said...

Thanks Heidi! We love and miss you guys tons too! We can't wait to see your sweet little one!