Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Joys of Potty Training

So we've been potty-training Gabi for forever, but this last stint we've really gone all out, and she's doing awesome. It has been super nice because she can pretty much do everything herself. I just tell her it's time for her to go potty and she goes, does her thing, flushes, and washes her hands. She LOVES being so independent. It's great that I don't have to walk her through all the steps, especially with a little babe and a toddler, that is until today. Today she decided that a whole roll of toilet paper would do just fine to wipe her tiny tushie. Oh boy was that toilet clogged! She felt super bad and kept flushing hoping it would go down, almost flooding the toilet. Oops! When I went into the bathroom, not knowing what had happened, she was busy washing her hands and said, "Mama, I put in the paper wipes and it's stuck. I dunno what happened." I was so confused and kept asking her what she was talking about. Exasperated she finally said, pointing to the toilet, "Just look mom!" So I did and wow. Yeah, she has never done this before so I didn't know what to do. Who knows what my face looked like, shocked, angry, surprised, bewildered, a combination of all of them- she looked like she was about to cry when she said, "Oh mama, I so sorry! I so sorry mama!" She felt super bad, poor thing! Hopefully she won't be doing that again any time soon!


jkwareham said...

Potty training is the best ;)! Gabi is such a sweetie.

The Trees said...

Ahhh, potty training... how we struggled