Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Growing Big and Small

So, as you could probably guess, I'm the one growing big. I went to the doctor's on Monday and I'm still measuring a week ahead. Happy news for me, the doctors could care less, they still won't change my due date. HOWEVER... I am dialated to a 2 and 50% effaced with contractions coming more and more frequently. That was very happy news to me. Even though the doc won't change my date, he says that I'm good to go- I could go into labor in anywhere from 3 days to two weeks, but he really doesn't think I'll make it two weeks. Well, that kind of news sure kicks the nesting instinct into full throttle, not that it wasn't already. Poor Isaac has been so patient with me as I clean up a storm. We can't wait for our little girl to be here! I'll try and keep you updated.

So, as far as the growing small part goes, Gabi get's the gold. We took her in for her 18 month appointment last week, and these are the stats:
Weight: 19.5 lbs
Height: 31 inches
I'm pretty sure that was the height, I'll have to double check with Isaac.
The doc said she was about the 5th percentile. They are a little concerned because she's so little, so they said to feed her as many calories as possible. This is one of the only times I think you'll ever hear a doctor say, "And if she likes ice-cream, let her eat as much as she wants." There's also a possiblilty that Gabi is just petite. We aren't too concerned at this point, she has already met and surpassed EVERY milestone for her age. Her language ability is very advanced, true to her name, she's a gabber. We love her tons and can't wait to see her as a big sister, we know she'll be GREAT!


Amanda said...

it sounds like Gabi is just like Katherine! She turned 2 in March and at her 2 year appointment she was only 21 lbs and 32 inches, and I'm pretty sure at 18 months she was only around 19lbs too. They are always concerned because she is so skinny, they even told me to mix butter and olive oil in with her food and give her 2 pediasures a day! but they just ran a bunch of bloodwork on her to check her growth hormone and thyroid and other stuff and it all came back completely normal, she is just petite. i think some kids just grow at different rates. as long as she isn't LOSING weight, i think she is fine. I can't believe you are so close! I can't wait to see pics of babygirl Knight #2! :)

Ryan & Jennie said...

Gabi is such a cutie. We're looking forward to visiting after the new arrival. Ry's new job is so much more flexible so hopefully we can visit for a couple of days. We're so excited for the new baby and can hardly wait to hear what the name is.

The Trees said...

Oh, we are so excited for you! We wish so bad we could be there to see her and cute little Gabi. Love and miss you guys tons and tons!