Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rough night at the Knights

Poor Gabi had a really rough day yesterday. She already wasn't feeling well with teething, and then she bumped her mouth on something yesterday, and really wasn't happy after that. Usually some Tylenol and a good nights sleep helps remedy a bad day, however her bad day turned into a bad night. She cried all night long, and there was little to be done to comfort her. We finally put her in bed with us after trying to settle her down several times. I should say, Isaac tried to settle her down, I didn't really get out of bed, I really do have the best husband ever. She still had a rough time after we put her in bed with us, well, we all did. She moves around A LOT when she's trying to sleep. Usually after she falls asleep with us, we can take her back to her bed, and she'll sleep through the night. Not the case last night, every time we tried she would inevitably wake up, and once she realized where she was, well, that was the end of that. So, she stayed with us last night. At around 6am she sat up, all smiles and was as happy as could be. Cute, but we were all so tired. So she played for a little while in between us on the bed while Isaac and I tried to sleep. Finally, about an hour later she lay ed down and went to sleep. I woke up about half an hour later on the last six inches of the bed, Gabi right next to me as close as she could get. Cute, but uncomfortable, considering my belly that was hanging over the bed. :) So I got up to figure out a new arrangement and I lost my spot in bed. There was no moving Gabi, not now that she was finally asleep, and Isaac might possibly be in a coma. He's out. So, with nothing left to do, here I am blogging. It's not really that early, I understand this, however it feels early when you didn't get any sleep and you're pregnant. Here's a picture of Gabi that I just happened to snap on my way out of the room a few minutes ago.

1 comment:

Ryan & Jennie said...

Sorry about the rough night. It's hard enough to get sleep when pregnant. I hope today goes better for everyone.